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Meet the Expert: The Roof Doctor Porch Roof Repair Tips

Discover common porch roof issues, leak signs, and best practices for repairs. Get a no-obligation quote from Joe Beattie, a specialist with over 35 years of roofing experience. Post a job on Onlinetradesmen today!

Porch extensions are a popular project for many Irish homeowners. However, many porch roofs will eventually require repair or replacement when not finished using the correct materials and techniques.

Onlinetradesmen member Joe Beattie from The Roof Doctor specialises in all types of roof maintenance and repair. Here Joe shares his knowledge and experience with homeowners on porch roof repairs.


Onlinetradesmen (OLT): What are the signs of a porch roof leak?

Joe: When there are signs of porch ceiling and wall water stains, a leaking porch roof is often the culprit. Water can work its way either via the flashing, roof tiles or a flat roof membrane.

Unfortunately, water can sit between layers of roof materials for months before becoming visible inside the porch structure. Even over a short period, mould and rot can set into a porch frame.

Therefore, it is important to act quickly when a leak or water stains appear.


OLT: What are common porch roof snags that can cause a leak?

Joe: A low-pitched roof, like a porch extension, requires a low-pitched roof tile. However, I come across many pitched roof porch leaks because a standard house tile has been installed as an easy option instead of sourcing and correctly installing low-pitched roof tiles or slates.

If a flat porch roof is leaking, then it could be that the membrane is damaged and requires either repair or replacement.

Another issue could be the flashing, which connects the porch structure to the main building. In many cases, if the porch roof is leaking it could be due to poorly installed flashing.



OLT: What is the 'best practice' when fixing a leaking porch roof?

Joe: The first step is to inspect the structure to determine what is causing the leak.

If roof flashing is the issue, a repair could seal the leak. When the flashing is old or has been poorly installed, it will need to be removed before the new flashing is installed.

If the porch roof profile requires low-pitched tile replacement, then we will recommend re-tiling the entire roof structure.

When it comes to fixing a leaking flat roof porch, it could simply be that the drainage points require unblocking.

A new flat roof system will be required when a flat roof membrane is shrinking or blistering.

Many contractors continue to install torch-on felt flat-roof systems.

However, newer technologies like Polyurethane roofing systems offer a homeowner greater longevity and durability.


OLT: How can a homeowner avoid being ripped off by a roofing contractor?

Joe: Poor workmanship can be a source of problems with many roofs.

Before you hire a roofing contractor, check their references and insurance. Ask to speak to previous customers and visit previous jobs.

If the quote seems too good to be true for the work required, then it probably is. It is always good to compare a few quotes and never pay for work upfront.


Technically trained and with over 35 years of roofing experience, Joe Beattie specialises in all aspects of roofing and roof repairs servicing Wicklow and Dublin clients.

For a no-obligation roof quote, contact The Roof Doctor directly or post a job via Onlinetradesmen.