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Why participating in online community forums can help tradesmen succeed.

Why participating in online community forums can help tradesmen succeed.

4 reasons why tradesmen participating in an online forum can be a place to find opportunity, support and advice.

During the COVID crisis, connecting with our fellow humans has been made more difficult, and the isolation COVID has imposed is doubly felt for many business owners too.

While juggling numerous jobs as well as the daily grind of running a business – trade professionals now have even fewer outlets to connect with people and the opportunity to find support and advice when needed.

As a small business owner, one of the greatest resources’ tradesmen can take advantage of is an online community forum. These are places where you can find like-minded people to connect, share experiences or get advice, which just might be the difference you need to push your business forward.

There are many reasons why being a part of an online community forum can help you, but here are our top four:


1. A source of industry intelligence

Connecting with trade professionals in an online space means you can leverage intelligence from one central source and from people who know your business better than anyone else.

When you engage with trade professionals who have similar challenges you are more likely to learn something new - like discovering a new technique or getting a tool recommendation - and sharing advice can be as rewarding as receiving advice too.


2. A surprise dose of support

Running a business can be an all-consuming, lonely experience for a trade professional.

However, when you engage in an online community, you have the opportunity to find support from those who understand your challenges, have advice to give or are just available to listen.

The simple act of posting a question or participating in a discussion in an online community forum, might just the type of connection or support you need when you least expect it.


3. Creating awareness about you and your services

It is generally considered bad manners to actively promote or sell your services in an online community forum. But your participation can go a long way to creating awareness for your business and services and could act as a launchpad for finding new job leads or business opportunities.

When you become an active member of an online community forum, other trade professionals get to know more about you, your knowledge and experience as well as the quality and pride you take in your work.


4. Build relationships and network

Networking and building relationships online can be the key to success for many successful business people because it can open up more opportunities for your business.

Networking is mutually beneficial too; it’s about getting to know people who can assist you and who you can potentially help too. It’s also about building trust and support with other trade professionals.





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The Onlinetradesmen member forum is the place where you can connect to share opinions, buy or sell items, chat tools and even post the details of a contract / full-time / one-off role for other tradesmen to view and reply to online.

If you aren't an Onlinetradesmen member you can still join our official Trade Pro Group on Facebook and stay connected with other trade pro's for the latest verified news, trends, job opportunities and more.


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